Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hello people !!


My name is Patricia and I am 55 years old. Today I got bored and like many people I decided to make a blog regarding my condition. Unfortunately I have widespread arthritis in both of my knees. I started experiencing pain about 5 years ago. Back then I was quite active for my age. I had a job that required me to be on my feet 8/hours per day, my children were smaller and needed way more care and I was a casual runner (about 25 miles per week)...

The pain progressively got worse and worse first in my left knee, and as a result I used my right one more..Then it started to slowly give away as well...

Today my life is totally different compared to what it was just 5 years ago.. I can't run, I work from my home for a telephone company, I can't walk for more than an hour without my knees hurting like hell, my knees are inflamed and look like sh** and not even one day passes without me worrying about the years to come..

At least my husband is very supportive and my kids are relatively indepedent... I am very lucky to have them :)

That's all for now 

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